On Wednesday, we were delighted to receive an unexpected visit to the Casa de la Memoria by Juanjo Marí and Almudena García-Rubio. Both are archaeologists and Almudena specialises in funerary disciplines and forensic anthropology; since 2003 she has participated in numerous exhumations of mass graves and identifications of victims ofSeguir leyendo…

Participantes en el homenaje a las víctimas del franquismo en Cortes de la Frontera.

Representatives of the Forum for the Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar and the Casa de la Memoria Association took part in an event to remember victims of Francoist repression in Cortes de la Frontera on Saturday 4 May. The tribute, which was organised by the Ateneo A Galopar organisation,Seguir leyendo…

Acto conmemorativo del quinto aniversario de la apertura de la Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda.

“I want to thank you for inviting me to be here with you,” said Estanislao Naranjo Infante on Friday evening at the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda in Jimena de la Frontera, at the event to remember the 60,000 victims of Francoism in Andalucía. It was organised by theSeguir leyendo…

Cartel de la actividad.

On Friday 19 November the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda in Jimena de la Frontera will be marking its fifth anniversary with an event to pay tribute to José María Ayala Bedoya, the former secretary of the Forum for Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar, who died earlier thisSeguir leyendo…