Thanks to an agreement with the Cádiz provincial council’s Historical and Democratic Memory Department, which is run by vice-president Javier Vidal, hundreds of books relating to Historical Memory which had been in storage are now at the Casa de la Memoria and have been sorted and classified by our librarian,Seguir leyendo…

Fran Martín, a historian and close friend of the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda, has kindly donated a copy of his latest book Memorias de un brigadista español: el sargento López Arrieta en la guerra de España (1936-1939) to our library. In 2019, the author published a book aboutSeguir leyendo…

Members of the newly-established Historical Memory Association of Almogía, (Málaga province), visited the Casa de la Memoria recently and were welcomed and given a guided tour by Andrés Rebolledo and Debbie Eade. Of course, everyone who visits our Casa de la Memoria is very welcome, but we are especially delightedSeguir leyendo…

Some good news has just been announced for the Historical Memory movement in Cádiz province: the Diputación de Cádiz has upped its budget for projects in this field in 2024 to a total of 400,000 euros. The decision was announced by Javier Vidal, deputy vice-president of the organisation, at aSeguir leyendo…

El vicepresidente segundo de la Diputación de Cádiz, Javier Vidal, atiende la explicación del presidente del Foro, Fran Hidalgo, sobre el contenido de la Casa de la Memoria.

The deputy vice-president of the Cádiz provincial authority (Diputación de Cádiz), Javier Vidal, visited the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda on Monday 20 November, and was welcomed by members of the board of the Casa de la Memoria Association and the Forum for the Memory of the Campo deSeguir leyendo…

Forgotten Places: Barcelona and the Spanish Civil War.

In today’s edition we have news of a route to commemorate victims of Franco in Espera, another mass grave being found in Trebujena, the PSOE accuses right-wing and far right parties of attacking historical memory and there’s a brand new book in English which will delight those with an interestSeguir leyendo…

Visita a fosa común en el cementerio municipal de Trebujena.

Trebujena council has announced that another mass grave containing six bodies has been found during the exhumation works that are being carried out in the cemetery. The announcement was made by the Historical Memory councillor, Ana Luisa Robredo, to coincide with the visit by the provincial government’s head of HistoricalSeguir leyendo…

La diputada provincial Lucia Trujillo, con el alcalde y concejales de Espera.

This week the mayor of Espera, Pedro Romero, and the councillor for Democratic Memory, José María Sánchez, presented a project called ‘Adoquines de la Memoria’ to the provincial government’s head of Democratic Development, Lucía Trujillo. The initiative is to pay tribute to the 69 people who were killed by theSeguir leyendo…

Marcha conmemorativa de La Desbandá

This week marks the anniversary of La Desbandá, the time in February 1937 when thousands of people from all over Andalucía tried to walk from Málaga to Almería, hoping to get away from Franco’s forces and the threats made by Queipo de Llano against the innocent population. Between 100,000 andSeguir leyendo…

Previous attempts to take action against perpetrators of crimes under the Franco regime have always failed because of the 1977 Amnesty Law.

The coalition government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos are hoping it will be possible for crimes committed during the Franco regime to be punished under the new Democratic Memory Law in future. They have just filed a last-minute amendment to this effect in the draft law, but have stopped shortSeguir leyendo…

Inauguración como Lugar de Memoria Democrática a la fosa común del Cementerio de Puerto Real (2018).

Reflections From My Desk, by Debbie Eade There were two important dates for the Historical Memory movement in Spain last week. The first was Sunday 18 July, which marked 85 years since the Civil War began, when Franco brought troops by air and sea to the Campo de Gibraltar areaSeguir leyendo…