Juan de la Cierva. (Foto: Archivo ABC)

In Murcia, the regional government says it is going to court to contest the Civil Aviation Authority’s decision not to allow the international airport at Corvera to be named after the aviator and inventor Juan de la Cierva. He was an aeronautical engineer who invented the ‘autogiro’, an aircraft inSeguir leyendo…

La Voz de la Memoria in english.

In the news this episode: Josep Almudéver, the last surviving member of the International Brigades. The Francisco Franco Foundation has lost its bid to stop street names being changed in Madrid. A new book tells the stories of 1,000 Argentinians who fought fascism in Spain. A ‘cultural’ mass grave inSeguir leyendo…

Josep Almudéver, the last surviving member of the International Brigades.

Tributes have been paid this week to Josep Almudéver, believed to have been the last surviving member of the International Brigades, who has died in France at the age of 101. He was born in the French city of Marseilles in 1919, but was living in the town of Alcasser,Seguir leyendo…

Diccionario Biográfico de Voluntarios de Argentina en la Guerra Civil Española.

A new book which is the result of over 20 years of research has just been published, and it is a biographical dictionary of 1,000 volunteers from Argentina in the Spanish Civil war. It has been written by historian Jerónimo Boragina, who is himself Argentinian, and is called Diccionario BiográficoSeguir leyendo…

Plaza del Caudillo located in El Pardo (Madrid). (Wikimedia Commons)

The High Court in Madrid has told the Francisco Franco Foundation that it does not have the right to appeal against street names being changed in the capital. It became law some years ago that the names of streets which pay tribute to Franco or members of his regime haveSeguir leyendo…

197 victims of Francoism are believed to be buried. (ValenciaPlaza.com)

Exhumation works are now being carried out of one of the largest mass graves in the Valencia region. Known as number 114, it is in the cemetery in Paterna, where about 197 victims of Francoism are believed to be buried. Experts hope to find the remains of 31 people inSeguir leyendo…

Panel explicativo del Sendero de los Prisioneros.

Locally in the Campo de Gibraltar area, the Foro por la Memoria has written to the president of the Junta de Andalucía calling for him to sign the approval for buildings and roads constructed under Franco’s Strait of Gibraltar Fortification Plan to be declared a Historical Memory Site. They wereSeguir leyendo…

Obras de restauración de la fachada de la ermita de la Sauceda.

Works to repair and restore part of the church at La Sauceda have now been completed. This rural community 25 kilometres from Jimena de la Frontera has become well-known because German and Italian planes were used for the first time to bombard the population on 1st October 1936, in whatSeguir leyendo…

La Voz de la Memoria in english.

In the news this episode, podcasts of talks in our conference cycle, La Voz de la Memoria on local radio, preparations for more exhumations at Jimena de la Frontera cemetery, the Spanish government plans to return works of art to their rightful owners, and a gold and diamond dagger giftedSeguir leyendo…