News and Information: 28-07-2021
Spain’s new Democratic Memory bill, more victims of Franco found in Jimena, fascinating talks on the Civil War via La Voz de la Memoria and commemorations to mark 85 years since the Civil War began.Seguir leyendo…
Spain’s new Democratic Memory bill, more victims of Franco found in Jimena, fascinating talks on the Civil War via La Voz de la Memoria and commemorations to mark 85 years since the Civil War began.Seguir leyendo…
The Spanish government has now approved the new Democratic Memory bill, which includes measures to find and exhume victims of Franco repression, makes it illegal to extol Francoism and declares null and void convictions handed down for people’s political beliefs or sexual orientation. It will also convert the Valley ofSeguir leyendo…
Archaeologists working at the old cemetery in the castle at Jimena de la Frontera have found another mass grave containing at least five more of Franco’s victims. This is the second phase of the exhumation works, which are financed by the Cádiz provincial government and the Mancomunidad de Municipios ofSeguir leyendo…
The cycle of conferences called ‘Golpe, guerra y represión’ which has been organised by the Casa de la Memoria association began on Friday 16 July with an interview with renowned British hispanist and historian Paul Preston. Questions were put to him by the president of the Association, Malgara García Díaz,Seguir leyendo…
18th July marked the 85th anniversary of the start of the Spanish Civil War in the Campo de Gibraltar area, when Franco brought troops by air and sea from Morocco and immediately began to instil terror into the area to prevent any attempts at resistance. People on social media sharedSeguir leyendo…
On Sunday 20 June a book called Testimonios was presented in Jimena. Cádiz city hall has removed a plaque from a building in which the poet José María Pemán was born. In Valencia, two people have been fined 4,000 euros each for carrying Francoist flags. In Murcia, the regional governmentSeguir leyendo…
On Sunday 20 June there was a presentation at the Casa de la Cultura in Jimena de la Frontera, of a book called ‘Testimonios’ which contains the transcripts of interviews given to the Foro por la Memoria del Campo de Gibraltar by local people who are hoping to recover theSeguir leyendo…
The Casa de la Memoria Association was officially presented at an event in San Roque on Monday 14 June, as part of the activities organised by the council to commemorate the Day of Memory and Homage to Victims of the Military Coup and Franco Dictatorship. The association forms part ofSeguir leyendo…
Cádiz city hall has removed a plaque from the outside of a property in Calle Isabel La Católica, which is where José María Pemán was born. The building currently houses the council’s Social Services department. The plaque showed a female figure holding an instrument on the right hand side andSeguir leyendo…
In Valencia, two people have been fined 4,000 euros each for carrying Francoist flags during the march organised by España 2000 on 12 October last year. The march took place in the Benimaclet district. It is believed to be the first time in Spain that anyone has been fined forSeguir leyendo…
In Murcia, the regional government says it is going to court to contest the Civil Aviation Authority’s decision not to allow the international airport at Corvera to be named after the aviator and inventor Juan de la Cierva. He was an aeronautical engineer who invented the ‘autogiro’, an aircraft inSeguir leyendo…
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