Previous attempts to take action against perpetrators of crimes under the Franco regime have always failed because of the 1977 Amnesty Law.

The coalition government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos are hoping it will be possible for crimes committed during the Franco regime to be punished under the new Democratic Memory Law in future. They have just filed a last-minute amendment to this effect in the draft law, but have stopped shortSeguir leyendo…

The demonstrators marched from the Plaza Nueva to the Palacio San Telmo, the seat of the Junta de Andalucía.

About 5,000 people including members of the Forum for Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar took part in a demonstration in the centre of Seville on Saturday 13 November, calling for the regional government to comply with the terms of the Historical and Democratic Memory Law in Andalucía which wasSeguir leyendo…

Cartel de la actividad.

On Friday 19 November the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda in Jimena de la Frontera will be marking its fifth anniversary with an event to pay tribute to José María Ayala Bedoya, the former secretary of the Forum for Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar, who died earlier thisSeguir leyendo…

Grupo de jóvenes palestinos, de visita en la Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda.

On Thursday 28 October a group of Palestinian students visited the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda. They are from Jalbun, in Jenin, and were on a multicultural encounter in Jimena de la Frontera, thanks to the work of the Coopération Bages-Jalboun association in France. During the visit, a teamSeguir leyendo…

The meeting took place at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones of La Línea.

The soundings in the municipal cemetery to locate mass graves containing people who were shot by the fascist forces between 1936 and 1945 will begin at the end of November, archaeologist Jesús Román Román, the coordinator of the project, told a meeting on Saturday. The works are being carried outSeguir leyendo…

Cartel de la convocatoria.

La Línea Council and the Forum for Historical Memory of the Campo de Gibraltar are organising a meeting for relatives of people from the town who disappeared or were shot by Franco’s forces during the Spanish Civil war and the subsequent dictatorship. The meeting is to provide information, because soundingsSeguir leyendo…

Estación: María Zambrano, de Sofía Ugena Sancho, es un viaje, un transitar poético a través de los siglos.

The second phase of exhumations in Jimena de la Frontera has now finished. The Cádiz provincial government has published a book by the late Carlos Perales Pizarro. The Casa de la Memoria Association has signed a cooperation agreement with Los Barrios council. Guadalajara is holding a series of cultural eventsSeguir leyendo…


Next week, from 23rd to 26th September, Guadalajara is holding a series of cultural events about the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship, called ‘Memoria contra el olvido’. There will be poetry readings, theatre performances, music, film screenings and round-table discussions. All the events are free, apart from the theatreSeguir leyendo…

El alcalde de Los Barrios, Miguel Alconchel, el concejal delegado de Cultura, Daniel Pérez, y la presidenta de la Asociación Casa de la Memoria, Malgara García.

The Casa de la Memoria Association has signed a cooperation agreement with Los Barrios council, under which they will jointly carry out research, raise awareness and organise events related to the Civil War and its aftermath. The agreement was signed by the mayor of Los Barrios, Miguel Alconchel Jiménez, andSeguir leyendo…

Irene Pelares, durante la presentación del libro de su padre.

The Cádiz provincial government has published a book by the late Carlos Perales Pizarro, who died in 2018 before it was finished. It was completed by Javier Giráldez Díaz in collaboration with Carlos Perales’ family, and is called Fragmentos de una memoria por recuperar. Alcalá de los Gazules (1931-1939). TheSeguir leyendo…

Una arqueóloga observa la fosa abierta este verano en el cementerio de Jimena de la Frontera.

The second phase of exhumations of victims of Franco from the old cemetery in Jimena de la Frontera castle has now finished. The works, which began on 1 June, were led by archaeologist María José Gámez Cano and coordinated by Jesús Román Roman. The remains of six more people wereSeguir leyendo…