The Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda never stops growing – and it needs to be fed. That’s why we need your help. It’s easy to collaborate with us. You can do so in any of the following ways:

  • Donate books for our library, or films and documentaries for our video library.
  • Donate documentation for our archives. This can be on paper or in digital format (court cases, official records, witness accounts or any type of document related to the war and repression).
  • Tell us about your experience, or that of your relatives, fighting against Franco or suffering reprisals from the dictatorship.
  • Participate in our activities and become a collaborator with the Casa de la Memoria.

Taller de archivística.

Asociación Casa de la Memoria
Caixabank: IBAN ES70 2100 8579 0502 0005 3796
