Fran Martín, a historian and close friend of the Casa de la Memoria La Sauceda, has kindly donated a copy of his latest book Memorias de un brigadista español: el sargento López Arrieta en la guerra de España (1936-1939) to our library.
In 2019, the author published a book about the life of Ana Pomares, who lived through what is known as the Desbandá, when thousands of people trying to walk from Málaga to safety in Almería were fired on by Franco’s ships and bombarded by planes.
He has written a number of books, and as well as this latest one the library at the Casa de la Memoria has:

  • La guerra en mis ojos: Los cuatro exilios de Ana
  • Almería bajo las bombas: Los bombardeos de la Guerra Civil en Almería 1936-1939
  • Me verás cruzar el Ebro: Nicolás López López (1917-2020)


The book of Fran Martín in our library.


